Iboga Practitioner Methods with Elizabeth Bast

Elizabeth Bast serves as a writer and holistic coach for addiction recovery and sacred plant medicine. She experienced the Bwiti initiation rite of passage and traditional training for healing with iboga. Elizabeth currently supports traditional iboga ceremonies outside of the US where it is not prohibited. She is the author of Heart Medicine: A True Love Story about her healing experience with iboga.

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Same Summit, Now Virtual! Chacruna Founder Bia Labate, Ph.D. tells us all about the upcoming Psychedelic Liberty Summit

This week you’re going to hear about the upcoming Psychedelic Liberty Summit from Dr. Bia Labate. As the executive director of the Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines, adjunct faculty at the California Institute of Integral Studies, public education and culture specialist at MAPS, co-founder of the Interdisciplinary Group for Psychoactive Studies in Brazil, editor of the Mexican blog Drugs, Politics, and Culture, and the author and editor of numerous books, special edition journals, and several peer-reviewed articles, Dr. Labate is a wealth of information and knowledge.

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Plant Medicine.org
Iboga Patient Experience with Eamon Armstrong

In this week’s iboga patient experience episode, we hear from Eamon Armstrong. He is the creator and host of the Life is a Festival Podcast, promoting a lifestyle of adventure and personal development through the lens of festival culture. Eamon’s belief in the transformational power of psychedelics led him to take part in a traditional Bwiti initiation in Gabon. He has since become a trained sitter with MAPS’ Zendo Project.

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Ayahuasca Practitioner Methods with Dr. Joe Tafur

Dr. Tafur describes the traditional origins and uses of ayahuasca. Throughout the Amazonian basin, hundreds of tribes and religious groups incorporate ayahuasca in their healing and sacred practices. This naturally has led to quite a diversity in how this plant medicine is used. Many of these traditions stretch back countless generations and researches are still learning about their processes.

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Ayahuasca Scientific Research with Dr. Dan Engle

Dr. Dan Engle is a physician experienced in psychology and neurology. His clinical practice combines functional medicine, integrative psychiatry, neurocognitive restoration, and peak performance methods. He lectures and consults globally and is the medical advisor to Onnit Labs, True REST float centers, and several international treatment centers using indigenous plant medicines for healing and recovery.

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Ayahuasca Patient Experience with Heroic Hearts Project Founder Jesse Gould

Today, Jesse Gould, the founder of Heroic Hearts Project, is here to share his story... Jesse is a former Army Ranger with a background in finance. After struggling with mental health issues stemming from his military career and finding little support at home, Jesse left it all behind and went to Peru. Hoping to find the answers he was searching for, Jesse discovered the therapeutic uses of ayahuasca.

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LSD History and Legality with Dr. Erika Dyck

On today’s history and legality of LSD episode, we’re joined by Dr. Erika Dyck. As a professor in the Department of History at the University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Dyck focuses her research on 20th Century medical history with a particular interest in psychedelics, psychiatry, eugenics, and population control. Her books include Psychedelic Psychiatry: LSD from Clinic to Campus. She is also editor of A Culture’s Catalyst and Psychadelic Prophets.

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Plant Medicine.orglsd
BONUS EPISODE: Nationwide Decriminalization Efforts Decriminalize Nature founders Carlos Plazola and Larry Norris

In today’s special bonus episode, we’re talking with the co-founders of Decriminalize Nature, Carlos Plazola and Larry Norris. Their mission is to promote human health and wellbeing by decriminalizing and expanding access to entheogenic plants and fungi. By utilizing political and community organizing, education, and advocacy, they are closer than ever to their goal.

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Plant Medicine.org
LSD Scientific Research with Dr. Katrin Preller

Dr. Katrin Preller has worked for the University of Zurich where she investigated the neurobiological long-term effects of cocaine, MDMA, and heroin use. She also investigated the use of psychedelics on self-perception and social cognition at the neuro-psychopharmacology and brain imaging lab. She was appointed as the junior group leader at the University of Zurich and holds a position as a visiting assistant professor at Yale University.

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LSD Patient Experience with Arash

In today’s LSD patient experience episode, Arash tells the story of how he has interacted with this particular drug. He describes what led him to his decision to try LSD for the first time and the events that helped get him into the proper mindset to proceed with it. Arash explains what type of effect it had on him and why he decided to continue using LSD afterward.

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Plant Medicine.orgKetamine
BONUS Episode: How to Help Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions through Plant and Psychedelic Medicines

Marcus and Amber Capone are founders of a nonprofit organization, VETS, Inc., which provides resources, research, and advocacy for U.S. veterans seeking psychedelic-assisted therapies. Marcus is a former SEAL who attributes psychedelic-assisted therapies to saving his life, and now the couple is determined to drive profound change in the veteran healthcare system as a whole.

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