Why are People Microdosing LSD?

Did you know that regularly taking LSD can improve your cognitive function, mood, productivity, and creativity? Thankfully, you don’t need to hallucinate every day to experience these benefits thanks to ‘micro-dosing’.


Microdosing psychedelic substances involves consuming a very low dose of a certain psychedelic, at a level at which the typical hallucinogenic effects are not felt, but the therapeutic benefits are, particularly cognitive benefits. 

One study found that micro-dosing psychedelics results in a 26.6% improvement in mood and a 14.8% improvement in focus. However, there are some mixed results, as some micro-dosing participants also reporting a 6.7% increase in anxiety and an 18.0% increase in physiological discomfort. 


So why microdose LSD? 

LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide, is gaining a reputation with the micro-dosing community as having a positive effect on mood, cognitive function, and health. One study sought to investigate the anecdotal effects of LSD micro-dosing. Researchers gave participants varying microdoses of LSD over a week-long period. The results found that LSD has dose-related effects. The highest dose given increases levels of vigor, but slightly decreased some feelings of positivity. 

Another study looked into the way that micro-dosing LSD might affect the way participants perceive time in order to see how brain function might change during an LSD micro-dose. The results showed that participants represented time as a longer interval than the control group which better represented the actual time period tested. 

Side Effects 

As with any powerful psychedelic substance, there can be side effects, most notable with microdosing LSD are the possible negative effects on mood and anxiety demonstrated in the previously mentioned study.

Plant Medicine.orgLSD